I have found my employer, Camille Grier, to be trustworthy, hard-working and extremely intelligent. I have worked for her for the past two years at All and All Behavioral Health Services. She believes in being fair. She ensures safety and ethical care for her clients and employees. Under her leadership, I have excelled. She has showed excellent communication skills, and I can rely on them to take the initiative and stay calm under pressure. Her professional, high moral and ethical standards are impeccable. Camille has also demonstrated an ability to handle sensitive and confidential matters with discretion with me other employees and her clients as her employee when under surveillance for a suspected breach of work ethic. Camille conducted the entire surveillance exercise successfully with proof of confidentiality. Being compassionate and considerate, Camille is the go-to person for all work-related matters in her business. I am confident that Camille will continue to treat all her employees, clients and community interactions and relationships with the utmost dignity, respect and professionalism.

Sincerely, Leona Mitchell